Thanks to the know-how developed through research on various topics that make up the framework of migration, Ismu has gained significant experience in the field of interventions design to support integration. The intense monitoring activities and participation in national and international calls allows the Foundation to promote the implementation of its activities. Its efforts for the acquisition of international projects provide visibility at European level. Thanks to the experience gained in recent years, Ismu offers consulting services and immigration project design for agencies and institutions, which, to varying degrees, they engage in this activity.

Ismu also conducts qualified study and research according to the strategies identified in the annual plan of activities or at the request of public and private clients. The main aim of ISMUS is monitoring – statistically and through specific disciplinary insights, appropriately for the scenario – the dynamics of migration processes and transformations in the sense of multi-ethnic and multicultural society. The research focuses on issues with strong operational implications, often taking the shape as action-research. The scientific and methodological rigor is ensured by authoritative scholars and researchers involved in research projects, which have developed original and innovative instruments for the estimation of the foreign population (even in the irregular component) and the projections of growth, “measurement” of the paths of integration through the development of specific indices, the analysis of the impact of immigration on the economy and society, the assessment of policies and initiatives for the reception and integration.

The IAP Project (Integration, Reception and Participation) is aimed at implementing several interventions/activities in supporting of the beneficiaries of international protection after the period spent in the reception centres SPRAR (Protection system for asylum seekers and refugees).

Funded under the Horizon2020 programme, the ReSOMA projectaims at creating a platform for exchanging knowledge and practice in order to ensure that European policy-makers and stakeholders access accurate and reliable policy evidence

The project aims to carry out the exchange of integration policies and practices with regard to the services offered to third-country nationals by the one-stop-shops. It intends to experience active participation activities and empowerment of migrant communities and the host society, considering a two-way integration process, in order to promote intercultural dialogue as a mean for social cohesion.

START project is aimed find an answer to healthcare needs of international protection seekers and holders with psychophysical vulnerability. It is addressed to implement innovative interventions for identify faster and more effectivly solutions in terms of healthcare needs of asylum seekers and international protection holders in a state of social and healthcare vulnerability. It will be reached through a close collaboration between public services and private social structures and direct interventions at the reception centers.

The project is aimed at strengthening the RRA favoring the emergence and contrast discrimination.

NIEM will establish a mechanism for a biennial, comprehensive evaluation of the integration of beneficiaries of international protection to provide evidence on gaps in integration standards, identify promising practices and evaluate the effects of legislative and policy changes.

The ISMU Foundation is currently carrying out a research project on radicalisation processes involving young people, both of Muslim affiliation and converted ones.

(Duration: 2017-2019)

The development of effective paths of inclusion of unaccompanied foreign minors is a challenge that cannot be solved on a purely local or national level; it conversely requires Europe-wide responses

  • Face to Face With Prejudice

The project aims to create a living library to share memories and create roots. The project is funded by UNAR (Italian National Office against Racial Discrimination).

(Duration: 2015-2019)

The four-year project co-funded by the European Commission under the Creative Europe Programme, which aims to facilitate access to places of culture and promote active participation by new audiences.

  • Grundtvig learning partnership. Promoting digital literacy of Roma people toward their active citizenship (Grundtvig – Partnership of Lifelong Learning Programme – LLP)

(Duration: 2013-2015)

The project aims to promote the active citizenship of Roma people by learning how to use new technologies.

  • King – Knowledge for INtegration Governance

(co-funded by European Commission, Directorate General Home Affairs)

(Duration: 2013-2015)

The research project consists of an analysis of the current reality of migration and integration processes and governance policies of inclusion of migrants in the European Union in order to develop policy recommendations.

EMILL stands for European Modules and Integration at Local Level. More than a rhetorical wording, the acronym heeds the challenge of integrating third country nationals into receiving societies and acknowledges that this challenge is geographically situated. That is, there are as many integration challenges as there are places, cities, regions, countries and so forth. Because the context changes drastically from one place to another, even within the frontiers of a same country, integration can scarcely be imagined at macro level and, rather, needs to be thought locally.

  • DIVERSE – Diversity Improvement as a Viable Enrichment Resource for Society and Economy

(Duration: 2013-2015)

Comparative research on a European level: Diversity Management practices implemented by public, private and third sector.

  • POP II – Pari Opportunità nei Percorsi degli adolescenti stranieri nella  Istruzione e Formazione Professionale 

(Equal opportunities in the paths of foreign teenagers in Education and professional Training)

(Conclusion: 2014)

The project involves 7 agencies (public and private) belonging to the Lombard system of education and professional training , each of which is engaged in the design and implementation of interventions to support the educational success of foreign teenagers enrolled in the three-year qualification of the regional system.

  • Vivere in Italia (Living in Italy)

(Conclusion: june 2014)

The overall goal of this project is to encourage and support the process of integration of foreign residents in the Lombardy region. According to Common Basic Principles adopted by the Justice and Home Affairs Council of the EU, for integration are essential basic knowledge of the language, history and institutions of the host society; enabling immigrants to acquire them is essential for a ‘effective integration.

  • Ricomincio da tre. La rete regionale per prevenire, conoscere, contrastare e rimuovere le discriminazioni razziali   (I start by three. The regional network to prevent, learn, challenge and remove racial discrimination)

(Conclusion: june 2014)

The project has the main objective to develop and coordinate local networks between public and private social services for the prevention, law enforcement and the removal of the phenomena of discrimination against third country nationals.

  •  Certifica il tuo italiano (Certify your Italian)

(Duration:  2006-2014. Five editions)

The project involves the activation of Italian as second language courses for foreigners aimed at achieving Italian language certification. It aims to improve skills in the Italian language for foreigners and recent immigrants and spread the practice of Italian as second language certification according to the standards of the Common European Framework of Reference languages.

The project aims to inform and engage key policy actors about how to use indicators to improve integration governance and policy effectivenes

  •  Rapporto sulla competitività delle aree urbane italiane (Report on the competitiveness of Italian urban areas)

(Duration: 2013-2015)

The Report provides investors, local institutions and policy makers, information and analysis of risk in order to support the investment allocation in the large strategy of sustainable urban development.

  • Analisi, progettazione e strutturazione di indicatori statistici sui rifugiati e richiedenti asilo in carico ai servizi del comune di Milano (Analysis, design and structuring of statistical indicators on refugees and asylum seekers in the City of Milan)

(Duration: 2013-2014)

The project aims to carry out a specific analysis of the component of refugees / asylum seekers in charge of the services of the Municipality of Milan and affiliated organizations. It aims the management and development of databases of agencies involved with the coordination and support to the data process collection.

  • Le dinamiche demografiche delle imprese straniere a Milano e provincia (The demographic dynamics of foreign companies in Milan and province)

The project aimed to identify the variables that explain the phenomenon of births and deaths of foreign enterprises in the Province of Milan.

  • OratorInsieme

The project includes a series of meetings and two workshops proposals. The aim is to promote to teenagers the awareness of the aspects of one’s self through the exploration of fundamental dimensions that help to define their identity. The guy may as well use the autobiographical method of drawing in a personal and creative way the story of his life

  • Youth & MI

(Duration: July 2013)

It is an exchange project where 60 young Europeans met and worked together to produce videos on the topics of diversity, intercultural dialogue and the involvement of young people in social and cultural life.

  • Viaggi nelle storie

(Duration: 2005-2017)

The cross-cultural perspective is the theoretical background in which the project was conceived and carried out. This opens multi-prospective reflections on the educational potential of cinema in educational contexts. It is a trip to the movies that crosses themes that question and touch on the deep storyline of everyone’s life in a globalized and multicultural society.

  • Patrimonio e Intercultura (Heritage and Interculture)

(Duration: 2005-ongoing)

The project has as objective the study and promotion of cultural heritage as a new frontier for integration.

  • Mapid – Migrant’s Associations and Philippine Institutions 

(Duration: 2008-2010)

The project aims to promote a dual action of empowerment, acting on one side on communities and Filipino associations in Italy and Spain and on the other the institutional framework of the Philippines, in order to strengthen their design and collaboration skills towards sustainable development.