Annual Report of the National Committee on Public Order and Security (2015)

    The Annual Report of the National Committee on Public Order and Security contains a section devoted to international terrorism, providing data on the number of expulsions for security reasons, number of arrested extremists, number of monitored foreign fighters, number of verified webpages, in Italy.

    → See the 2017 Report (information concerning the period between January 2017 and August 2017 – p. 8 onwards)

    → See the 2016 Report (information concerning the period between January 2016 and August 2016 – p. 10 onwards)

    The 2015 Report to the Italian Parliament. Subversive threats – International Terrorism

    The 2015 Report to the Italian Parliament on the activities of Police forces, on the state of public order and security and on organized crime between 2011 and 2015 provides information on security threats, on counter-radicalization actions, on the estimated number of foreign fighters and on the arrests linked to terrorism carried out in Italy.

    → See the Report

    Esserci sempre

    “Esserci Sempre” is an annual insert published by “Polizia Moderna”, the Italian police’s official magazine. It contains all the data concerning the police’s activities, including a section devoted to the fight against terrorism of different affiliations, particularly the jihadist one, where investigations into jihadists identified on the Italian territory are reconstructed.

    → The 2017 edition (data concerning the year 2016 – pagg. 34-37)

    → The 2016 edition (data concerning the year 2015 – pagg. 31-32)


      The Soufan Group is a private intelligence rganization that provides security intelligence services consultancy to governments and multinational organizations. It published two reports containing estimated figures on foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq:

      Foreign Fighters: An Updated Assessment of the Flow of Foreign Fighters into Syria and Iraq. December 8, 2015

      The Numbers, pag. 6 (Numbers of Foreign Fighters by Region ad Country, 2015)

      → See the Report

      Foreign Fighters in Syria. June 2014

      Countries of origin, pag. 11 (Numbers of Foreign Fighters by Region ad Country, 2014)

      → See the Report


        The ICCT is a think-tank based in the Netherlands which provides analysis and policy advice on counter-terrorism strategies and on violent extremism prevention.  It published a study on the trends concerning foreign fighters originating from European countries, and a paper on Italian foreign fighters.

        The Foreign Fighters Phenomenon in the European Union. ICCT Research Paper – April 2016

        Members States: Threat Analysis and Developments pag. 23 (Numbers and Profiles, Treat Assessment, etc – Italy pag. 29)

        → See the Paper

        Italy’s Jihadists in the Syrian Civil War. ICCT Research Paper – August 2016

        → See the Research Paper

        • EUROPOL

          Europol (European Police Office) is the law enforcement agency of the European Union, focusing on international crime. Counter-terrorism being one of the key-activities of Europol’s mandate, in 2016 the agency created the European Counter-Terrorism Centre.

          EU Terrorism Situation & Trend Report (Te-Sat)

          Europol publishes an Annual Report on the terrorist threats in Europe (not limited to jihadist terrorism and including other forms of terrorism). The Report provides data concerning the number of failed, foiled and completed attacks in Europe, the number of arrestas carried out across the Union and an overview of Europol’s counter-terrorism activities.

          → See the Report


            The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), based at the University of Maryland (U.S.), is a research and education center dedicated to the study of the causes and human consequences of terrorism in the United States and around the world.

            Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States (PIRUS) dataset

            The Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States (PIRUS) dataset contains deidentified individual-level information on the backgrounds, attributes, and radicalization processes of nearly 1,500 violent and non-violent extremists having adhered to different forms of extremism (far right, far left, Islamist, or single issue ideologies) in the United States between 1948 and 2013.

            → Click here

            PIRUS dataset – Foreign fighters from the United States

            Through a series of infographics, this report showcases data on US Foreign fighters from 19080 to 2015, drawn form the PIRUS dataset (see above).

            → Click here

            Global Terrorism Database (GTD)

            This database includes information on more than 150,000 terrorist attacks that occurred worldwide between 1970 and 2015.

            → Click here


              The Institute for Economics and Peace develops metrics to analyse peace and to quantify its economic value, producing global and national indices, calculating the economic cost of violence, analysing country level risk.

              2016 Global Terrorism Index

              The IEP annually publishes the Global Terrorism Index, which contains a map of terrorist attacks across the world, analysis of the economic impact of terrorism, a description of the main terrorist organizations at the global level and of the trend that concern terrorist movements. The Index is based on the Global Terrorism Database, elaborated by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (see above).

              → See the Report

              Five key-questions answered on the link between Peace & Religion 

              In 2014 the IEP published a global statistical analysis in order to empirically verify the nexus between religion and conflict. The results demonstrate that there is no clear statistical evidence of a link between the populations’ levels of religiosity and the conflicts taking place in a country.

              → Click here


                The ICSR, based at King’s College – London, is a research centre that studies different forms of violent extremism. It focuses in particular on the phenomenon of jihadist foreign fighters, on counter-radicalization strategies, on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as well as on far right extremism.

                Western Foreign Fighters in Syria

                The ICSR monitors the presence of Western foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq and has developed a database of over several hundred fighters. Their most updated report was published in 2013.

                → See the Report “ICSR Insight – European Foreign Fighters in Syria”

                → Link to the webpage