Alfredo Alietti, with a PhD in sociology at University of Milan, is senior research in Urban Sociology at University of Ferrara (Italy). He was involved in several researches at national and European level on different topics, in particular: racism, interethnic relations in urban setting, settlement processes of migrants, socio-spatial segregation, analysis of urban policies and regeneration policies in deprived areas.

He is member of steering committee of international research network “Urban Advanced Marginality” and of Research Network of European Sociological Association “Racism, Anti-Semitism and Ethnic Relations” (RN 31). He is member of International Advisory Board of Theomai JournalSociety and Development Critical Studies

Since 2007 he collaborates with ISMU Foundation.

His more recent publications are: Società Urbane e convivenza interetnica, Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2009 (Urban Societes and Interethnic Cohabitation); (with Alfredo Agustoni, Migrazioni, politiche urbane e abitative: dalla dimensione europea alla dimensione locale, Fondazione ISMU, Milano, 2011 (Migrations, Urban and Housing Policies: from European to Local Perspective), (with Alfredo Agustoni), Integrazione, casa e immigrazione. Esperienze e prospettive in Europa, Italia e Lombardia, Fondazione ISMU, Milano, 2013 (Integration, Housing and Immigration. Experiences and Perspectives in Europe, Italy and Lombardia).