New migrations from Africa to European Union

Ismu Foundation, Rome, 20 may 2014   By using the most recent data from llo (for activities and gender indicators for the last decade) and UN data (for demographics structures and gender for the last decade), the research team of the ISMU Foundation coordinated by professor...

Foreigners in Italy from 1974 onwards

The number of foreigners in Italy from 1974 onwards ISMU has attempted to trace back the story of foreigners setting foot in Italy for the past 40 years. If 1974 counted 200 thousand foreigners, they were 300 thousands in 1979 and half a million in 1986. The number of one million...

Religions in Milan

According to ORIM’s last estimates (July the 1st, 2013), Muslim immigrants in Milan (regular and irregular) were 68.1 thousands; Catholics were 93.7 thousands; immigrants of other Christian religions were 46.6 thousands. Then follow Hindus (2.4 thousands), Buddhists (19.6...

Foreign pupils. Migration paths heterogeneity. National Report

  The publication Alunni con cittadinanza non italiana. L’eterogeneità dei percorsi scolastici. Rapporto nazionale A.s. 2012/2013 (Foreign pupils. Migration paths heterogeneity. National Report) has been released, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education,...

Heritage and Interculture

Description of the project and documents

Ethnic and professional specializations in Lombardy

In 2012 in Lombardy, the most significant nationalities amongst foreigners in the main professional fields are, for men: Indian (representing 43% of the agricultural workers), Albanese (representing 24% of the construction workers), Egyptian (representing 23% of the catering...

Residence permits as of 1.1.2013

In 2012, 120 thousand residence permits were released for family reunification, 67 thousand for work purposes, 31 thousand for studying purposes, and 30 thousand for other purposes amongst which 4 thousand for refugees or subsidiary protection, 2 thousand for humanitarian...

2014 International Metropolis Conference

La Fondazione Ismu organizza la Conferenza internazionale "Metropolis" 2014. Aperte le preiscrizioni.

Thanks to the know-how developed through research on various topics that make up the framework of migration, Ismu has gained significant experience in the field of interventions design to support integration. The intense monitoring activities and participation in national and...

Estimates of outfluxes

After the 2011 Census, the ISTAT (Italian national institute of statistics) rectified demographic movements of the previous ten years between two censuses. Accordingly, in the first nine months of 2011, the foreigners that were residing in Italy but that left the country are...

Third Country Nationals as 1 August 2013

Elaborating the Italian Ministry of the Interior’s data, the first ten nationalities extra-EU most represented during the first seven months of 2013 are: Chinese with 12 thousand people more (+3.9%); Moroccans, Bangladeshis and Ukrainians with 7-8 thousands (respectively +1.5%,...