The Age of Superdiversity. IRiS and SAST Conference – Birmingham 2 July 2015


Rethinking integration: New perspectives on adaptation and settlement in an era of superdiversity.
The Age of Superdiversity

Birmingham, 2 July 2015

The Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS) at the University of Birmingham, together with the project Social Anchoring in Superdiverse Transnational Social Spaces (SAST) is organising a one-day interdisciplinary conference which will focus upon theories on and research into adaptation and integration in an era of superdiversity. The conference will allow for the exchange of ideas and formulation of future research agendas to inform academics, practitioners and policy makers which can enable the facilitation of processes of adaptation and integration. The conference will feature invited plenaries and panels on topics related to the processes of adaptation and integration in emerging superdiverse societies.

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