Third Country Nationals as 1 August 2013

Elaborating the Italian Ministry of the Interior’s data, the first ten nationalities extra-EU most represented during the first seven months of 2013 are: Chinese with 12 thousand people more (+3.9%); Moroccans, Bangladeshis and Ukrainians with 7-8 thousands (respectively +1.5%, +6.6% and +3.2%); Egyptians and Indians with 5-6 thousands (+4.7% and +3.3%). The most sizable groups remain those of Moroccans (527 thousand units) and Albanese (507 thousand units), followed by Chinese (318 thousands), Ukrainians (232 thousands) and then Philippines (163 thousands, an increase of 2.3%), Indians (156 thousands), Moldavians (152 thousands), Egyptians (131 thousands), Tunisians (124 thousands) and, with the main relative rise, Bangladeshis (122 thousands).

Within the above mentioned figures, the “registered on the holder’s residence permit” – or else, mostly minors – they account for 30% of the total of the Tunisians and the Egyptians, and for 29% of the Moroccans. On the other hand, they account for 7% of the Ukrainians, for 14% of the Moldavians and for 19% of the Filipinos.

With regard to residence permits, 45% of the total of the residence permits issued to Albanese are long-term residence permits, 40-41% for Ukrainians, Moroccans and Tunisians. Differently, the figure is of less than 25% for Chinese and less than 28% for Moldavians. The figures for all the other groups are in between and amount to 33-34%, one third of regular migrants.